PC-SIG: Essential Home & Business
PC-SIG - Essential Home and Business Collection.iso
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Text File
390 lines
2001:Adjust PC-Write to your needs||>a
2002:Temporarily set level of every feature set to maximum||>aa
2003:Return level of every feature to profile||>aa
2004:Permanently change look and feel of PC-Write, change printer||>ac
2005:Remember and replay keystrokes||>ak
2006:Temporarily or permanently save remembered keystrokes in single key||>aka
2007:Stop temporarily remembering keystrokes||>akr
2008:Stop remembering keystrokes, make them repeat when played||>ako
2009:Show key, then operation code for keys when typed||>akn
2010:Replay remembered keystrokes||>akp
2011:Start temporarily remembering keystrokes||>akr
2012:Delete remembered keystrokes from single key||>aku
2013:Adjust level of feature sets||>ap
2014:Set this level of edit features||>ape
2015:Set this level of file features||>apf
2016:Set this level of layout features||>apl
2017:Set this level of layout spacing/font features||>aplf
2018:Set this level of layout margin features||>aplm
2019:Set this level of layout paging features||>aplp
2020:Set this level of layout reference features||>aplr
2021:Set this level of print merge features||>apm
2022:Set this level of print features||>app
2023:Set this level of search features||>aps
2024:Set this level of tool features||>apt
2025:Set this level of view features||>apv
2026:Set this level of adapt features||>apa
2027:Load edit control file (ed.def)||>ar
2028:Store levels of feature sets in edit control file (ed.def)||>as
2029:Adjust what is shown at top of screen while editing||>at
2030:Show reminder about menu items||>ath
2031:Show main menu bar||>atm
2032:Show current Ruler line||>atr
2033:Show Status line||>ats
2034:Adjust what happens while editing||>aw
2035:Adjust what happens automatically while editing||>awa
2036:Automatically break pages as you edit||>awap
2037:Automatically rewrap paragraphs to indents as you type||>awar
2038:Verify words as typed||>awas
2039:Automatically rewrap text in document to indents as you type||>awaw
2040:Conceal layout information (Guide Lines, Font Characters)||>awh
2041:New character replaced at cursor||>awo
2042:New characters inserts left of cursor||>awp
2043:Reveal layout information (Guide Lines, Font Characters)||>aws
2044:Select and change text||>e
2045:Select rectangle of text (boxing)||>eb
2046:Stretch boxing to text at cursor||>ebbx
2047:Insert box draw characters just inside boxed text||>ebf
2048:Insert dashed border inside boxed text||>ebfa
2049:Insert double-line border inside boxed text||>ebfd
2050:No boxed text||>ebf
2051:Erase border inside boxed text||>ebfr
2052:Insert single-line border inside boxed text||>ebfs
2053:Finish boxing text at cursor (boxed)||>ebbe
2054:Begin boxing text at cursor||>ebbs
2055:Unselect boxed text||>ebu
2056:Stretch boxing from top to bottom of document||>ebv
2057:No boxed text||>ebv
2058:Duplicate selected text to cursor||>ec
2059:No selected text||>ec
2060:Erase selected text||>ed
2061:No selected text||>ed
2062:Transfer text to/from other document||>ef
2063:Add selected text to end of other document||>efa
2064:No selected text||>efa
2065:Write selected text over other document||>efc
2066:No selected text||>efc
2067:Copy text from other document to cursor||>efi
2068:Operations on text selected from other document||>eh
2069:Insert text selected from other document to cursor||>eht
2070:No selected text from other document||>eht
2071:Put something at cursor||>ei
2072:Put date at cursor||>eid
2073:Change case of character at cursor or marked text||>el
2074:Reverse upper/lower case of character or marked text||>els
2075:Make character or marked text all capitals||>elu
2076:Transport selected text to cursor||>em
2077:No selected text||>em
2078:Writing over existing text||>eo
2079:Select whole or partial lines of text (marking)||>es
2080:Mark entire document||>esd
2081:Mark line at cursor||>esl
2082:Begin marking text at cursor||>esms
2083:Finish marking text at cursor (marked)||>esme
2084:Stretch marking to text at cursor||>esmx
2085:Mark paragraph at cursor||>esp
2086:Mark sentence at cursor||>ess
2087:Unselect marked text||>esu
2088:No selected text||>esu
2089:Mark word at cursor||>esw
2090:Reverse last operation of selected text||>eu
2091:Erase last copy of selected text||>euc
2092:No copied text selected||>euc
2093:Reverse last delete of text||>eud
2094:No deleted text||>eud
2095:Reverse last move of selected text||>eum
2096:No moved text selected||>eum
2097:Store or retrieve document on disk, or quit PC-Write||>f
2098:Change document format to/from PC-Write||>fc
2099:Write new document in other format||>fce
2100:Write new document in DCA format||>fced
2101:Write new document with only ASCII characters and line breaks||>fceh
2102:Write new document with only ASCII characters and paragraph breaks||>fces
2103:Write new document in WordPerfect format||>fcew
2104:Change document to PC-Write format and open it||>fci
2105:Change DCA document to PC-Write format and open it||>fcid
2106:Change Wordstar text to PC-Write format and open it||>fcih
2107:Update prior PC-Write document and open it||>fcio
2108:Change WordPerfect document to PC-Write format and open it||>fciw
2109:Temporarily exit, then return to document||>fd
2110:Temporarily exit to program, then return to this document||>fdc
2111:Temporarily exit to DOS||>fds
2112:Document not changed, leave PC-Write||>fe
2113:Store changes on disk, leave PC-Write||>fe
2114:Pick document from disk directory||>fl
2115:Show file names in disk directory||>fml
2116:Operate on documents on disk||>fm
2117:Duplicate this document to another on disk||>fmc
2118:Delete a document on disk||>fme
2119:Change name of a document on disk||>fmr
2120:Use this name when storing document on disk||>fn
2121:This document will not be stored on disk||>fe
2122:Get document from disk, or create new document||>fo
2123:Store document on disk now||>fs
2124:Restore document as last saved on disk||>fu
2125:No changes to restore from||>fu
2126:Do not save document changes||>fu
2127:Get more detailed information||>h
2128:Get help on text or operation at cursor||>hc
2129:Show the main topics of help||>hi
2130:Read and try examples||>ht
2131:Format look of document when printed||>l
2132:Set appearance of text when printed||>lf
2133:Set appearance of text from paragraph forward with cursor||>lfb
2134:Surround marked text with font change||>lf
2135:Set appearance of every line in selected text||>lfb
2136:Set appearance of all text in document||>lfd
2137:Marked text present||>lfd
2138:Set character enhancement||>lfe
2139:Printer can't enhance character||>lfe
2140:Set appearance of text in headers and footers||>lfh
2141:Selected text present||>lfhn
2142:Set appearance of next few words to be typed (with font characters)||>lfl
2143:Set this character shape||>lft
2144:Set this character enhancement||>lfe
2145:Set appearance of marked text (with font characters)||>lfl
2146:Set appearance of selected text (with font characters)||>lfl
2147:Set character width or height of text||>lfs
2148:Printer can't change width or height of text||>lfs
2149:Set character shape when printed||>lft
2150:Printer can't change character shape||>lft
2151:Position text on pages||>lm
2152:Position text horizontally based on Ruler line||>lma
2153:Anchor character at cursor to Ruler position||>lmaa
2154:Anchor left edge of boxed text to Ruler position||>lmaa
2155:Marked text present||>lmaa
2156:Move text left by Slide count (remove only spaces)||>lmal
2157:Move text right by Slide count (add spaces)||>lmar
2158:Move text this many Ruler line positions||>lmas
2159:Reserve space inside margins for paragraphs (shown on screen)||>lmi
2160:Reserve this extra space on left of first line||>lmif
2161:Reserve this space on left of all lines||>lmil
2162:Reserve this space on right of all lines||>lmir
2163:Reserve white space on edges of pages (not shown on screen)||>lmp
2164:Reserve this space at bottom of pages||>lmpx
2165:Reserve this extra space at top of first page||>lmpf
2166:Reserve this space at left of pages||>lmpx
2167:Reserve this space at right of pages||>lmpx
2168:Set dimension of paper||>lmps
2169:Set this vertical dimension of paper||>lmpsl
2170:Set this horizontal dimension of paper||>lmpsw
2171:Reserve this space at top of pages||>lmpx
2172:Rewrap text to left and right paragraph indents||>lmr
2173:Automatically rewrap paragraphs to indents as you type||>lmra
2174:Force line at cursor line to be end of paragraph||>lmrb
2175:End paragraph, force line to left indent||>lmrbr
2176:Turn auto-reformat on/off||>lmrc
2177:Always rewrap paragraphs from cursor onward||>lmrca
2178:Always rewrap selected paragraphs||>lmrc
2179:Never rewrap selected paragraphs||>lmrc
2180:Never rewrap paragraphs, from cursor onward||>lmrcn
2181:Rewrap paragraphs according to auto-reformat mode||>lmrcu
2182:Rewrap all paragraphs to indents||>lmrd
2183:Rewrap selected paragraphs to indents||>lmrm
2184:Rewrap paragraph at cursor to indents||>lmrp
2185:Automatically end line at right as you type||>lmrw
2186:Set form of text paragraphs||>lms
2187:Format line(s) of text without adding Soft Spaces||>lmsa
2188:Place line(s) halfway between left/right indent (add spaces)||>lmsac
2189:Force line(s) to right indent (add spaces)||>lmsaf
2190:Spread line(s) evenly from left to right indent (add spaces)||>lmsaj
2191:Force line(s) to left indent (remove spaces on right)||>lmsar
2192:Add spaces at cursor until line(s) reach left/right indents||>lmsas
2193:Place text halfway between left/right indents (add Soft Spaces)||>lmsc
2194:Force text to right indent (add Soft Spaces)||>lmsf
2195:Spread text evenly from left to right indents (add Soft Spaces)||>lmsj
2196:Force text to left indent||>lmsr
2197:Expand existing Soft Spaces until text reaches left/right indents||>lmss
2198:Set distance between tab stops||>lmt
2199:Set this distance between all tab stops||>lmtt
2200:Change Ruler line||>lmu
2201:Change settings in Ruler||>lmue
2202:Set this width for each position in Ruler||>lmur
2203:Break document into pages||>lp
2204:Automatically break pages as you edit||>lpa
2205:Manually break pages when you repage||>lpa
2206:Break pages one at a time, look at each break||>lpb
2207:Shift screen down one line on page (PgDn)||>lpbd
2208:Break, adjust blank lines to end of page||>lpbf
2209:Change this Soft Break to Hard Break, or vice versa||>lpbh
2210:Break at bottom of page (insert Soft break)||>lpbi
2211:Move break down one line (sPgDn)||>lpbl
2212:Jump to next page break (cPgDn)||>lpbn
2213:Jump to last page break (cPgUp)||>lpbp
2214:Move break up one line (sPgUp)||>lpbs
2215:Shift screen up one line on page (PgUp)||>lpbu
2216:Break entire document into pages (insert Soft Breaks)||>lpd
2217:Break page at cursor||>lpi
2218:Break page permanently at cursor (insert Hard Break)||>lpih
2219:Break page temporarily at cursor (insert Soft Break)||>lpis
2220:Break selected text||>lpm
2221:Reset to this number, starting with current page||>lpp
2222:Less than one page, or marked text, no paginating necessary||>lpp
2223:Remove all pagebreaks in document||>lpr
2224:Include related text not in body of document||>lr
2225:Insert sequential number in series||>lra
2226:Reset to first number in series||>lraf
2227:Put number from specific series||>lrai
2228:Put number from series with spaces||>lraib
2229:Put number from series with colons||>lraic
2230:Put number from series with periods||>lraid
2231:Put number from series in parentheses||>lraip
2232:Put number from superscripted series||>lrais
2233:Increment to next sequential number in series||>lran
2234:Duplicate current number in series||>lrar
2235:Resequence all series of numbers||>lrau
2236:Make text into normal content of document||>lrb
2237:Make text into endnote copied to end of document||>lre
2238:Make text into footnote printed at bottom of page||>lrf
2239:Edit text to include on left of bottom line||>lrfc
2240:Put text at top/bottom of pages (not shown on screen)||>lrh
2241:Edit text to include on top line||>lrhc
2242:Put on line of text at bottom line||>lrhf
2243:Put page number in middle of bottom line||>lrhfc
2244:Put date on left and text on right of bottom line||>lrhfd
2245:Put page number on right of bottom line||>lrhff
2246:Put no text at bottom line||>lrhfn
2247:Put text on left of bottom line||>lrhfo
2248:Put text on left and page number on right of bottom line||>lrhft
2249:Non-standard text not present||>lrhhu
2250:Format of footer is non-standard||>lrhhu
2251:Put line of text at top of pages||>lrhh
2252:Put page number in middle of top line||>lrhhc
2253:Put date on left and text on right of top line||>lrhhd
2254:Put page number on right of top line||>lrhhf
2255:Put no text at top||>lrhhn
2256:Put text on left of top line||>lrhho
2257:Put text on left and page number on right of top line||>lrhht
2258:Format of header is non-standard||>lrhhu
2259:Non-standard header not present||>lrhhu
2260:Skip printing header/footer for this page only||>lrhs
2261:Skip printing text at bottom of this page only||>lrhsf
2262:Skip printing text at top of this page only||>lrhsh
2263:Insert other text at cursor||>lri
2264:Insert line of non-printing text||>lric
2265:Make every line selected non-printable||>lric
2266:Format endnotes and footnotes||>lrn
2267:Set footnote separator (not shown on screen)||>lrnf
2268:Put empty line between footnotes and body of document||>lrnfb
2269:Put no separator between footnotes and body of document||>lrnfn
2270:Put dashed line between footnotes and body of document||>lrnfs
2271:Set line height for endnotes and footnotes||>lrns
2272:Set height of note lines to one eighth inch||>lrnsn
2273:Set height of note lines to one sixth inch||>lrnsr
2274:Set height of note lines to match rest of document||>lrnss
2275:Set height of note lines to one quarter inch||>lrnsw
2276:Copy endnotes to end of document||>lru
2277:Set vertical distance of, and gap between lines||>ls
2278:Print lines with one gap between them||>lsd
2279:Set distance between lines more finely||>lsm
2280:Set distance between blank lines only||>lsmb
2281:Set distance between text lines only||>lsmt
2282:No printer picked||>lsm
2283:Set distance between lines to one eighth inch||>lsn
2284:Set distance between lines to one sixth inch||>lsr
2285:Print lines with no gap between them||>lss
2286:Print lines with two gaps lines between them||>lst
2287:Set distance between lines to one quarter inch||>lsw
2288:Restore items changed in layout menu||>lu
2289:Restore all changed items||>lu
2290:No items changed||>lu
2291:Send document to printer||>p
2292:Printer every page of document||>pa
2293:Feed mechanism for printer||>pst
2294:Combine list of records with template document||>pm
2295:Combine all records in list with template document||>pma
2296:Combine next record from list with template document||>pmo
2297:Send trial combination (displayed on screen) to printer||>pmop
2298:Go back to editing||>pmoq
2299:Combine single record, display on screen||>pmot
2300:Specify output and format options||>pms
2301:Specify that commas end fields in one-line records||>pmsc
2302:Specify file containing list of records to be combined||>pmi
2303:Specify that lines are fields in multi-line records||>pmsl
2304:Specify this many lines make one record||>pmslf
2305:Specify that combined documents go to disk||>pmsm
2306:Specify disk file name for combined documents||>pmsmo
2307:Specify that combined documents go to printer||>pmsp
2308:Print one or more specific pages||>pr
2309:Specify printing options||>ps
2310:Mechanically feed single-sheet paper to printer||>psb
2311:Other feed option selected||>psb
2312:Reprint each page this many times||>psc
2313:Print document to disk rather than paper (include printer codes)||>psf
2314:Always use this printer definition (pr.def file) with document||>psl
2315:Make of printer||>psm
2316:Model of printer||>psm
2317:Use this printer definition (pr.def file) temporarily||>psr
2318:Manually feed single-sheet paper to printer||>pss
2319:Other feed option selected||>pss
2320:Mechanically feed continuous-form paper to printer||>pst
2321:Print document on screen rather than paper (shown reduced size)||>pv
2322:Find and replace text, jump to locations||>s
2323:Remember or return to spot in document||>sb
2324:Return to remembered spot||>sbj
2325:Remember spot at cursor||>sbs
2326:Jump to last line in document||>se
2327:Go to other spots in document||>sj
2328:Return to spot of last jump||>sjl
2329:Go to next formatting or extended character||>sjn
2330:Jump to specific spot in document||>sl
2331:Jump to this character number on line||>sl
2332:Jump to this line number in document (guide lines count)||>sl
2333:Jump to spot on page||>sl
2334:Jump to this line number on page||>sl
2335:Jump to this page number||>sl
2336:Mark to next character paired with character at cursor||>sm
2337:Jump to first occurrence of Find Text after cursor||>sn
2338:No Find Text set||>sn
2339:Jump to first occurrence of Find Text before cursor||>sp
2340:No Find Text set||>sp
2341:Locate Find Text, change it to Replace Text||>sr
2342:Find all occurrences after cursor, change them||>sra
2343:Find all occurrences in document, change them||>sre
2344:Reverse setup of Find Text and Replace Text||>srf
2345:No Replace Text set||>sr
2346:Find next occurrence after cursor, change it||>sro
2347:Find all occurrences in marked/boxed text, change them||>srs
2348:No selected text||>srs
2349:Restore last occurrence changed||>sru
2350:Specify text to be find or replace||>ss
2351:Jump to first line in document||>st
2352:Perform other operations on text||>t
2353:Interpret contents of document||>ta
2354:Count words in, compute statistics about document or marked text||>taw
2355:Adjust characters in document or marked text||>tc
2356:Delete extra blanks at end of lines||>tce
2357:Add carriage return to line feeds as needed||>tcl
2358:Change leading blanks to tabs||>tcs
2359:Change tabs to blanks||>tct
2360:Look up definitions and synonyms for words||>tm
2361:Look up and use synonyms for word at cursor||>tmt
2362:Verify and correct spelling of words||>ts
2363:Automatically verify spelling of words as you type||>tsa
2364:Manually verify spelling of words when requested||>tsa
2365:Verify spelling of word at cursor||>tsc
2366:Suggest correct spelling of word at cursor||>tsg
2367:Verify spelling of words from cursor forward||>tsn
2368:Verify spelling of words from cursor backward||>tsp
2369:Designate word at cursor as misspelled||>tsw
2370:Change what's shown on screen||>v
2371:Remove subscreen from screen||>vc
2372:No subscreens||>vo
2373:Increase size of subscreen||>vg
2374:Increase subscreen by closing another||>vge
2375:No split screen to grow||>vg
2376:Increase subscreen to full screen by closing all others||>vgs
2377:Increase subscreen to maximum by reducing all others||>vgz
2378:Decrease subscreen from maximum by increasing all others||>vgz
2379:Split screen into new subscreens||>vo
2380:Show another document in new subscreen||>von
2381:Show current document in new subscreen||>vos
2382:Current subscreen is zoomed||>vgz
2383:Go to another subscreen||>vp
2384:No subscreens||vo
2385:Go to next lower subscreen||>vpd
2386:Go to next higher subscreen||>vpu
2387:Select menu items with arrow key, mouse, or first letter||>x
2388:Your profile does not allow for this feature||>a